Category: Ethical Behaviour Ethical Product

Giving without Conditions a new frontier

KARMIC RESIDUE RECLAIMING A SMASHED GALAXY No words for how one feels today .. We will look back on Inauguration day in America 2025, and be positioned to ask how did American Voters ALLOW that to occur .. It could…

The Choice of Treaty Day or Shame Day?

BODHICITTA NURTURES OUR SENSE OF AGENCY Well one wonders who the tribe are really in an affluent  first world country on October 14th  2023 just over 60% of  voting age Australian citizens voted NO, to First Nation people having their…

Goddess’s Business Matters Good Manners Matter 2023

Bossy Billionaires Best Practice and How Best to Move forward .. Settle in and have a read this article has been updated with new content since JULY 31st 2023 Fame Infamous, and or brimming with knowledge, and willing to share…

Where we are NOW The COVID journey 2021

COVID 18 months later … NAVIGATING GRIEF AND THE DEPTH AND THRUST OF COVID It could  be said the world has just come through a shared experience of deep inter generational accumulated grief That’s right I have NOT added content…


VALIDATE AND VALUING WOMEN’S  LIVES As we move into 2021 it is now so imperative, that we see hear and acknowledge the others lived experience. Value the other as self. It is essential, that we validate the others truth treat the…

Children living their truth born in evolutionary times 2020

Some have said ‘Vita’ is our opportunity for joy to explore and experience brave new frontiers “Everything passes. bare/bear witness to what we were like. Pass on what is shared and given with love to one from to the other   “When…

Talking about evolutionary Leaders 2020

Leaders think and talk about our evolution. Followers think and talk about the problems. – B Tracy and Vita Zen is not a repository of belief, either positive or negative, relying instead on the circumstances of the moment to dictate what…