Category: Vita’s Music Links

Children living their truth born in evolutionary times 2020

Some have said ‘Vita’ is our opportunity for joy to explore and experience brave new frontiers “Everything passes. bare/bear witness to what we were like. Pass on what is shared and given with love to one from to the other   “When…

An ode to feminism with the greatest of love 2018

FOR ALL THOSE THAT LOVE FULLY SPEAK FROM THE HEART LOVE WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY BECOME Sometimes, ONE may FEEL captivated by someone or a situation that leaves one with fear and faulty judgment… Have a look at…

It’s ‘Time’ for genuine understanding humane growth

The five world religions are like the five fingers of the hand, pointing to the same moon. And I wonder, along with my children, what is the moon?  – Sarah Ruhl, “Five Questions for Sarah Ruhl” THE FULL HAND OF…

The Soul/Sole Parent A Guillotine & the one term government

 It is through our intentions that we shape the world we experience, along with the amount of pleasure or pain we take out of that experience. To formulate intentions that really do lead to happiness is a skill. And because…

Kyneton creating Woodstock memories in the women’s century

Kyneton a wee elegant town in  the eastern region of Melbourne Australia  are doing it for themselves again,  Now in their 2nd year of the Kyneton Music Festival! The region is thrilled as Kyneton is raising the bar the musical…

A generation deepening the world with imagination

‘Imagination confronts desire directly, in all its discomfort and intensity, deepening the world right where we are. Fantasy and reality are opposing forces, but imagination and reality are not in opposition: Imagination goes toward reality, shapes and evokes it’. Norman…