Generosity and resources in the “Fourth Sector”



“The motto should not be: Forgive one another; rather understand one another.” Emma Goldman

 It could well appear to those paying attention the world is at a crucial turning point!   Old outdated paradigms are being broken down! The world is in transition and must reassess what was once normal and acceptable, these paradigms have embraced greed war control over the other, racism misogyny sexism narcissism consumerism,”money matters” is almost like a mantra to some!

These beliefs and actions could well be seen as senseless and so not useful or indeed helpful. They have certainly not evolved the world. They are blatant forms of judgment, control and entrapment! Beliefs that have created wars violence despair and loss upon the world! Situations that have left the world with fear and faulty judgment of the other!

Beliefs that create a situation of “I am right you’re wrong”  “I control you submit”… Be grateful for the scraps” “I make the rules you comply”.

Some have said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.” Clearly this is the nature of Patriarchy… Patriarchy is on the nose not relevant useful and never was…


“An act of generosity entails giving more than is required, customary, or expected relative to one’s resources and circumstances. Certainly it involves relinquishment of resentment, clinging, regret and ego and greed”

We need to consider and incorporate the needs and wants of the other… Consider the others journey their considerations. Try empathy not fear! Love is NOW! So modern so now so necessary…


Always be willing to expand ones existing dreams and desires, we must be appreciative of what we truly already have and honor those gifts that are current that expand and leave a last legacy of love not hate.. One must be transparent with ones love and life! Then one can make informed decisions that outlast our worldly lives.


We must all make time to show ones true feelings to the other. Then one is truly free to love fully and without fear! Expressing and living by what we truly needs is so much more thrilling and deeply satisfying. Suppressing not expressing our truest needs and desires will always cause internal conflict and unfulfilled LIFE’S!

We all benefit and are empowered through seeking genuine comfort and shared understanding from those we feel able to express ones REAL thoughts and feelings with.

No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy, the kindness and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true education should be to unlock that treasure. Emma Goldman
