Due to very annoying Technical Issues this Page is being redeveloped thus why it looks a tad out of alignment It is a work in progress VL May 21
Vita is more vital than ever Kevin Pearson Black Pepper Publishing July 2017
“Hindsight in the rear-view mirror brings you back to where you are!” Kevin Pearson
“Vita said “Where in the world does Iceland sit Kevin? “It depends which way your facing” KFP
OH Lis/Vita you are the most hands on Executive Producer I have ever met BG
Oh Lis/Vita you have such a great view on the global perspective BG
Quotes below are from my JFK he is a very international man full of integrity great kindness and much love he offers
To launch is to love! Champagne must be sacrificed!” JFK 2012
“FTP still lives on JFK 2012 Relax get your FTP in the hammock of “Vita” JFK 2012
Lis /Vita is always evolving and revolving JFK 2021
Lis/Vita is always unique and alert to the best news JFK 2017)
Vita is the full Sufi Dance JFK 2021
TK A man of great talent, who always has the best word rare woods
One must always be prepared to go the “Full TONK” As ya well know Vita TCK
I can’t keep up with myself I am so prolific TCK
OH yeah full tote odds on TCK
I came I saw I delivered TCK
A well told story is something we carry with us through our lives,” .TCK
Never yell at others unless they are in danger CK7
Stand Back she is coming through CK7
Chris Kennedy Production Designer
I swear you’re needed by these airwaves AE
Go Girl! Make em Twirl,Or Swirl l!!! You are so Burlesque..Baby- Adam M ( Practicing Buddhist Monk)
“So in the spirit of the moment we shout VITA ! The ITA for the Naughties and way beyond with a capital spread” Verne
“Darling make sure your leotard is correctly fitted for trapeze work”LM
Vita is a whirl LM
Lex Middelton -Designing Dreams Vimeo
On the pulse baby MM
Your my favorite bubble of distraction PF
A hymn to the goddess of compassion (whose strains no man can resist) Verne
“An original on the other side of the world.” TA
Vita is always uplifting. original and exciting. TA
Thanks be to Vita!”TA
Yours is one of the only voices I’ve found on the web that comes from the heart. TA
Vita–these are great thoughts–exactly what we expect from you. I’m glad I took the time to read them today. TA
Tony Anthony is the Author of Beneath Buddhas Eyes
& Director of Fearless Mountain
his latest book Tony Anthony
Don’t ask what love is doing for one ask what one is doing with ones love
Vita you’re a jolt of power unifying our existence, It is so refreshing for so many more of us. Anon
Beaucoup d’amour toujours