Kevin and Vita always ready to “speak easy”


“New York Times” are always the ultimate time to speak easy with

grace clarity and consciousness

 The poem below was written about me and for me by the well known and loved

Australian publisher and poet Kevin Pearson of Black Pepper Publsihing.

See the link below for the breadth diversity and distance of those they have

published, over a remarkably  brave and very committed 18 years!


for Lis/Vita

                                     Solemn, like an Egyptian with a pizza,

                                    it notices the passing of a year

                                    that went as quick as an internet romance

                                    no matter the marked achievement of good days.

                                                             A girl with an apartment has ideas.

                                     No matter the marked achievement of good days

                                    folk congregate entirely for the present

                                    occasion to party for the one among us

                                    who has a whole day not just fifteen minutes.

                                                             A girl with an apartment has ideas.

                                     Who has a whole day not just fifteen minutes

                                    is drunk, or breathes as tranquil as a saint.

                                    More than crockery moved by a poltergeist,

                                    a placement in the future seems assured.

                                                             A girl with an apartment has ideas.
