Category: Vita’s Mountains

The ethics of Bills Green Deal

REGROWTH AND REVALUING THE FUTURE ELECTION 2019 Part 1 LESS THAN ONE MONTH TO GO TIL AUSTRALIA VOTES Intelligent giving is learned through practice, both as a meditation when we reflect on possible giving and as an activity in the…

Global Participation in the Women Century

EMILY’S LIST MAKING A DIFFERENCE’  Well America is waking from it’s dream and stepping out and up in the Women’s Century. The fruits that have grown and nurtured are bearing fruit now Patriarchy is   being held to account Women…

An ode to feminism with the greatest of love 2018

FOR ALL THOSE THAT LOVE FULLY SPEAK FROM THE HEART LOVE WHO THEY ARE AND WHAT THEY BECOME Sometimes, ONE may FEEL captivated by someone or a situation that leaves one with fear and faulty judgment… Have a look at…

No Mere Majestic Hymn—The Garden of Earth, the Murray Darling

This content is supplied BY Rural ABC and images supplied by ‘Vita” ‘Wimmera-based author Homer Rieth sits by his fire in Minyip, western Victoria.” Wimmera-based author Homer Rieth sits by his fire in Minyip, western Victoria” In what would have…

The Afghan Girl returns for world peace now

The Afghan Girl Now  and Peace on Earth 2016 I wrote this article  on January 29th 2003. Thirteen years later, it compels me to reissue the article, to remind us all how far we have come in the Women’s Century, and…

Gough a man of our Time

GOUGHS TIME WILL NEVER BE OVER IT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN The loss of Gough Whitlam Australia’s 21st Prime Minister, yesterday at 98 is so painful it is hard to bare today, We bless this beautiful man he who walked…

Clearer days and the uniqueness of our souls

FRAGILITY OF LOVE AND LIFE We have to ask what was the sadness in Phillip Seymour Hoffman that bought him to the point  of ‘finding refuge in a false history’, that clearly overwhelmed him and sadly took him from US!…