Well loved one’s it’s been while since I have been in this particular space! So hello and welcome to 2025 in Vita World and my Island paradise above. As we move knee deep into the 3rd decade of the women’s century, the joy of expansion is exciting present and very vital . We are in the long haul and the most magical of times if we choose to BE ! So as we say at Vita take ones creativity and collaborative conscious love and make it PRRRrrrr.. and scream for more. creativity and courageous love.
The year of 2025 is an exciting moment in time to break open, broaden and explore a bigger better love filled perspective . Now is our opportunity to see the bigger picture, It is our opportunity to expand our outlook/ our perception of ‘self ‘ as other in its bigger self. It is imperative for all the reasons we have and are experiencing on a global level that we have the ability to change and evolve right NOW
That is if one wishes to acknowledge the past as past and, it could be said imperative that it BE acknowledged and accepted. However to move forward consider one’s actions and how that impacted on ‘others’ is the best way to create a better effective future for all. The present is what we actually have right now.
MMmm it is possible to create a new way of being, and BE happy to do so. Be eager to explore with fresh feelings and inspired ways to love the other as we one wishes to be loved ..
So lets create a bigger better future forward, bring the best of what was and build on what can BE.. As Barack and I say ” Yes we can’ and as I say here at VITA yes we will yes we are, yes we are capable of creating a better inclusive and love filled world for the whole.
The photo above under paragraph two, of a woman holding a banner, was taken at a “Me To’ driven rally”I attended to bare witness to the tyranny of violence against both men and women. The banner is a keen reminder to examine ones own blind spots, belief systems around parenting and whether one uses the gender issue to “act out “and justify poor ways of behavior on another human being.
We are now positioned and free to embrace what is and what is NOT ! A decade, a moment in time where human kind are NOW able to acknowledge and embrace the self as other. It is possible for the polarities of ‘man and women’ to evolve into Love is Love ‘Us is Us ..
Old paradigms of them and US are outdated modes of being. A new generation has arrived to build a NEW brighter legacy instilled by their mentors and indeed that are NOW, embracing the freedom to act on their vision. That is the current trajectory and wave of how things can be . As Yoko and John have said time and time again “War is over if we want it to be!
It could be said Binary belief of “men do this women do that” (blah blah) is a constructed reality created in a time gone by that is no longer beneficial for ‘man or woman”. Fixed perceptions and roles of what has been are NO longer relevant and actually never been a useful paradigm for human kind
We now have the opportunity to transcend to a higher place of BEING, of been inclusive recognizing we all have the ability to play many role be SO many things, but most importantly
BE love. Love the other as one choices to be loved. Ha ha after thought ‘one man tent” comes to mind that is bit sad! Vision questing is whole other thing loved ones..MMmmm
As an interesting aside CS Lewis wrote a letter or several every day of his ‘writing life’ til the day he left the earthly world .. He was paying attention and it could be said valued the other as self. It leaves one to mull over how he would have embraced Social Media. Would he be seen as an ‘Influencer”
There is something so intimate lovely and deeply personal, in C.S.Lewis’s attention to detail with the letters he wrote, to those he loved and the children that read his books. Equally interesting is he left the earth world the same day JFK was tragically killed….Which leads us to ponder what letters are left unknown that JFK never got to write.
Equally and ironically perplexing is my WordPress link is not acknowledging my attempt to add a link to JFK, content so here is his IMAGE from a photo I took in Washington. Etched in stone yet never a ‘misuse of his influence at the previous known platform “Twitter” now known as X.
In regard to links on this article you may like to explore some of these themes ones self, so empowering to DO IT ones self!.. MMm this is a really an old school article that takes one back to the early days of Social Media, way back when content was the main game, people read 350 words in one sitting, and visuals were not a GIF or a given. When emojis were not a thing and content was a real thing!
So live and love fully speak from the heart. love how others are.. Accept how others are, leave one conscious bias behind respond with love not fear, Be full of love not hate live without expectation of how others ‘should be’
Yet mostly be joyful respectful vital and love with vigor and pure joy
Don’t ask what joy and love is doing for one ask what one is doing with ones joy and vigor to love