Evolutionary Caring 2016


‘All happiness comes from altruism and all suffering from selfishness. Altruistic attitudes and bodhicitta, their greatest expression, bring such benefits because they are related to the true nature of the mind, whereas selfishness does not because it is the expression of an illusion’

—Karma Trinlay Rinpoche, “What We’ve Been All Along”

Healing and forgiveness will always bring revolutionary and evolutionary change. When this transformation comesit is time to let go of old viewpoints and ways in which one may have previously reacted.or felt, be it hurt insulted punished or allowing others to create their own movie of one.. Be silent and centred pick ones self UP and act from OM! Be love in silence and never judge another harshly, When we judge the other we judge the self..



Be persistent and passionate in the hunt for pearls of wisdom lived by those who came before one. Create a new way forward. Remember that an open mind is an open channel for one’s flair and fascination for the present to unfold to a new joyful experience. Ones highest response to fulfillment and abundance is to share that golden energy with others. Recognise others journey is not necessarily the same as ones own, journey..



Life is the opportunity to sing and dance to move in motion with the other,the dance of true love. So act with kindness and be respectful of those souls you encounter along the way. Always receive with gratitude all the positive energy that is offered  to one.  Accept it is genuine and offered from an others true heart felt kindness  In the course of experiencing it, be sure to use this energy in the same way you have been offered this loving energy.


Maintain a relentless positive outlook and boundless energy to move forward embrace the journey and the creative self within. We are able to live up to bigger better self. Forgiving one’s self offers a place and space to forgive the other more readily.


Search one’s soul and conscience before you accept anything less than the best.
