‘Gifts of adversity’ can help us to not only weather the challenging seasons our lives we are ENABLED to move through them with grace and insight if we are committed to evolving and living in our bigger self
As an aside be kind about the format of links/ layout, still working through new learning curve with the updated WordPress! Fun though if not slightly timing consuming!
Social media learning curves are not like riding a bike, it is a flat out like a goddess shopping at Whole Foods while sculling lime and pomegranite juice..
We all play a role in making the world a better PLACE TO PLAY AND LIVE, We must look to not only the Mentors of the past look to those in the present and always be over joyed for those that continue to arrive
As we move seamlessly into the 19thyear of the women’s Century let’s all step-up and offer our best self too the world. Greta has arrived ‘with no time to waste ! Bless her we can feel the momentum as people world wide committ to the earth, The ground swell is getting bigger as the Z generation step out with those who have been paying attention for some time
As we move forward into the 19thyear of the women’s century let’s do our best to love the other as we would have our self-loved.
As we move forward into the 19thyear of the women’s century and act on our love, let’s allow our bigger self to be present, better placed and alert perceptive and loving to the other as self.
As we move forward into the19th year of the women’s let’s ALL give it the gift of the Dakini in all of us, love the other as nature
As we move forward into the 19thyear of the Women’s century let’s offer unassuming, great kindness, with genuine grace and sincerity. When we act from pure love without ego, we are better placed TOO BE more gracious and compassionate than ever before.
As we move forward into the 19thyear of the Women’s Century, we can ALL benefit by offering our bigger self. When we speak our truth courageous or vulnerable, we are better placed to offer our authentic self, the one that values, the self as the other. One that offers the world an opportunity to right the wrongs of seven generations
We bless Polly Higgins for the gift of herself and what she offered the world
We are all co creators let’s dance with and for Polly and be blessed that she came and gave US the gift of herself as she said ‘Dare to be great”… Polly knew when it was important to touch the earth.. She understood the importance of living outside the ego and BE HER BiGGER SELF
Let’s celebrate Polly Higgins who was a triumph indeed.Polly gave the gift of herself always .. Yet again a child of the Evolution,( yes I do bang on about that issue)… A generation gaining momentum as the XYZ’s roll in to town, saying YES WE CAN YES WE WILL YES WE BLOODY WELL ARE!
May we embrace Polly’s wisdom and build on her momentum and for those like Rachel a mentor from the past and our wee Greta whole take us into our future! Ah yes Rachel Carson would be thrilled by such a ground swell of support for women having their voices heard as we move into the 19thyear of the women’s century.
We are love in Motion we came to do our bit, without ego, without greed or or desire just for the self.. We walk our walk and elegantly reshape the world and believe it is really possible, in the Women’s Century.
Don’t ask what love of the earth has done for one ask what one is doing for love of the earth.