Author: Vita Lingus

Lis K is the absolute creator and author of "Muse of Goddess“ " The Essential Vita”. Vita is a well-known Goddess who lives and breathes the joy of conquering all Vita/ Life’s Mountains. A unique website that promotes and creates new futures with and for Ethical Sustainable business. My column now spans two decades. An inspired look at “Vita’s” world, attitudes to love, spiritual matters, ethical, sustainable business, world politics and the less examined issues of life in the 21st century. “Vita's a well-known Goddess unique alert vital very well informed and takes no nonsense. Indeed Passion Mission Business". Committed to Enterprise Development in very now ethical sustainable business”.

Pure Life and casting light

Emu on the Plain     A bleak consolation Though the times are inauspicious, and the window blinds are drawn, the healing waters withered in the drought, a messiah or a rock star is nowhere about and your carrier pigeon internet…


THE WISDOM IN US ALL ‘Gifts of adversity’ can help us to not only weather the challenging  seasons our lives  we are ENABLED to move through them with grace and insight if we are committed to evolving and living in our bigger self…

The ethics of Bills Green Deal

REGROWTH AND REVALUING THE FUTURE ELECTION 2019 Part 1 LESS THAN ONE MONTH TO GO TIL AUSTRALIA VOTES Intelligent giving is learned through practice, both as a meditation when we reflect on possible giving and as an activity in the…

Living the evolution 2019

FLOWING WITH EASE AND COMFORT AS WE ALL EVOLVE YES WE CAN YES WE ARE YES WE BLODDY WELL WILL  All we  have come to do in the world is to love fully speak from the heart love who we are…

Womens voices resonate in 2019

CLARITY AND TRANSPARENT  MESSAGES IN 2019  We are in our present right  NOW, as we move toward equity in the political world long dominated by the patriarchy,  Americans are beginning to  embrace and validate women’s voices  as we move into the 19thyear…

Caring for the souls of others 2018

The Mystery of being and allowing love in Every Person is a Mystery That must be learned Slowly Reverently With Care Tenderness Tales of Two Cities New York       Songs from a secret garden   And Pain And Is Never…