Author: Vita Lingus

Lis K is the absolute creator and author of "Muse of Goddess“ " The Essential Vita”. Vita is a well-known Goddess who lives and breathes the joy of conquering all Vita/ Life’s Mountains. A unique website that promotes and creates new futures with and for Ethical Sustainable business. My column now spans two decades. An inspired look at “Vita’s” world, attitudes to love, spiritual matters, ethical, sustainable business, world politics and the less examined issues of life in the 21st century. “Vita's a well-known Goddess unique alert vital very well informed and takes no nonsense. Indeed Passion Mission Business". Committed to Enterprise Development in very now ethical sustainable business”.

Cleo Vita and endless “Optimism”

 VITA ON QUALITY LEADERSHIP & HER INTERNATIONAL VISTA (Be aware loved ones this Vita article is a feature article NOT a News story NOR a sound byte.) I am reliably informed (having spoken with one of my favourite journalists)  –…

Japanese Banquets and love made visible

Gyoza – Japanese style dumplings Gyoza is said to have originated from a Chinese dish that has been embraced by the elegant Japanese This recipe is not for the faint hearted and takes patience and tenacity I have included Gyoza dough…

Spanish Sangria on 14th St

  Vita steps lightly on others souls and is partial to light refreshments on steamy nights in Manhattan..The Spaniards offer just the light touch with their summer beverages! Check out below one of my favorites.. Memories of opening night at…

Stephanie’s Zucchini Pickles racing through Manhattan

A favorite recipe from the fabulous Stephanie   – the recipe comes originally from Stephanie’s Cook’s Companion – by Stephanie Alexander. You will need- 4-5 small zucchinis or a 2-3 large ones 2-3  onions (about the same proportion as zucchini)…

Vita picnics on “Independence Day”

“”SOME HAVE SAID VITA IS A BANQUET OF DELIGHTS”   Rumor has it Vita’s product range is on its way.. Serious contemplation and lengthy discussion is being had on the revaluing and reinventing the Merkin and taking a closer look…

Vanessa’s Dumplings in Summer

Well summer has arrived in New York and we are so up for dumplings on the Terrace.  We LOVE Vanessa’s Dumpling House. They are a delicate taste of heaven a gentle breeze in Spring in Japan, comfort food after flying…