Category: Essence of Vita

Breakfast at Tiffany’s and Brunch with “Vita”

The Goddess within is always present in all of us, when we are well fed with love respect and genuine compassion. The Goddess within US is always amusing loving filled with kindness and great empathy! The Goddess within us loves…

Measures of abundance and white noise in Social Media

Sound bytes of fame and short-lived wins are just not, where it is “at”. As the French philosopher, Simone Weil said, “absolutely unmixed attention is prayer.” Some have said love and attention is often times done in silence and as…

The Lioness the Kitten The Goddess in the Girl

Some have asked who is Vita?  They musing and intrigue for her presence and vitality is met with anticipation and quiet joy!! Some have said  “Vita” is the news we are all waiting for. Vita is a Goddess. Vita is…

Bear Witness in present time

  All we  have come to do in the world is to love fully speak from the heart love who we are and love what can become Our life /Vita is our opportunity to raise the bar love and live…

Living with exceptional possibilities

BEST PRACTICE AND BE THE “ART OF POSSIBILITY“ Exceptional human beings walk together. Exceptional human beings encourage one another to be the best they can be…Exceptional human beings live in their own skin. Exceptional human beings never steal love nor…

Vita lives in the fast com at the speed of light

 Extra/ ordinary travel from then to right NOW right here loved ones!  Over the next wee cyber space time/ “NOW/OUR time.” or when ever ONE arrives at VITA ….This column will reveal an EXCLUSIVE background ON the LIFE /TIMES/ HISTORY…

Vitaesque existing with empathy

Vita’s picture /existing with empathy Sometimes, ONE may FEEL entrapped or captivated by someone or indeed a situation that leaves one with fear and faulty judgment. That in reality ONE may well have created the situation one’s self! We must…